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We exist to guide & help our clients in early identification, prevention, mitigation & overcoming inevitable business crises.


Leverage Business Expertise to Promote Entrepreneurship, keeping Stakeholders’ Interests Supreme.


We shall

  • Go deep and act with courage.
  • Act responsibly
  • Challenge the status quo – objectively & dispassionately – to bring orbital transformation.
  • Be transparent and decisive in all our relationships.
  • Unconditionally own the outcomes.


  • Integrity: Doing Right Things for Right Reasons in Right Manner with Right Objectives
  • Inclusivity: Helps us leverage exceptional resources to their fullest potential.
  • Innovation: With Excellence around in abundance, innovation is an existential imperative.
  • Intuition: Anticipating & preparing for the future to provide us continued edge.
  • Interdependence: Collective Responsibility Externally & Individual Accountability Internally


  • Our clients may or may not succeed with us but we cannot succeed without them and they count on us.
  • We exist to consistently deliver simple, implementable solutions to challenging & complex matters in an uncertain world where continuous learning & agile adaptability are must.
  • Best Practices do not exist, these need to be invented, uniquely for each client & each assignment.
  • Dive deep before swimming wide – While broader perspective helps understand the situation, functional expertise is imperative for its resolution.

why icon Why

Easy availability of funds, at least till recently, and proliferating entrepreneurial spirit across the sectors & geographies have resulted in serious lack of fiscal discipline by promotors and oversight by regulators. Consistently dynamic business environment and ever-increasing expectations from activist investors are resulting in seriously catastrophic, mostly preventable, corporate failures in the midst of an all prevailing breach of trust between the debtors & creditors. Compounding the troubles for the promotors are increasing social awareness in the society, paradigm shift in socio-economic & cultural expectations and lack of agility & adaptability among the hitherto successful entrepreneurs.

All this is causing serious damage to the entrepreneurial eco system with far reaching consequences where the funds are idling with institutions, available for investment virtually interest free, and a complete absence of takers, whom the institutions are willing to lend. Equity investment is drying day by day. While the global growth is marginally improving, Indian ecosystem is still struggling fighting the ghost of recent nightmare. Against this backdrop, there is an urgent & existential need for proactive and objective assessment of business models that are prevailing and carry out a realty check with respect to its sustainability, viability & utility lest it leads to an irreversible damage to the entire eco system where lenders become increasingly unwilling to lend & entrepreneurs unwilling to experiment, thereby relinquishing their cardinal duties and forego the very purpose of their existence, both of which are quite essential imperatives for a sustainable & inclusive growth of economy & society.


By proactively engaging the direct & indirect, explicit & implicit and stated & implied stakeholders, we attempt to forge sustainable growth models. With deep functional expertise and rich operational experience, we conduct root cause analysis on current state of affairs, utilize our wisdom accumulated with decades of hands on experience and evolve a way forward.

Essential imperatives of the entire exercise are:
  • We own the absolute accountability towards measurable outcomes.
  • Objective & critical assessment with very dispassionate eyes
  • Complete & unwavering buy in by the stakeholders.
  • Focus on performance for customers, outcome for investors, environment for employees and respect from regulators & society.

We are Professionals focusing on Business Restructuring with sole objective of sustainable turnaround.

We prefer long term engagements, prior to onset of crisis, and enjoy being your partners in growth that is ethically correct, morally sound, statutorily compliant and sustainable in long term.
